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Friday, September 17, 2010

4 inches

Bethany measured me last night, I am down 3 1/4 inches in my thighs, 1/2 inch in the hips and 1 inch in the waist.
My baby steps are going to turn into giant steps. Yesterday Bethany suggested I start taking what she calls a fat stacker to help me loose weight. Which consist taking fish oil 2 times a day.
CLA (?) with 3 meals. Caffeine and Green Tea Extract. I had the fish oil at home so now I have to go to GNC and do some shopping to get the rest of it.

Bethany also suggested that I try to get one of my friends to join the gym to be my workout buddy. So if any of you are interested call Bethany 817-507-7399 and talk to her about working out.

I got a call today from Melissa Winn of the Weatherford Telegram. She is going to talk about me and my blog in her article this week. I am so excited that means more readers for the Garner Girl!

Have a great day, and enjoy your Friday.